1.Lord's Confession
Oh, My Father, My dear Father
2.After the Crucifixion
So sad and sorrowful!
Twinkle, twinkle, sparkle, sparkle
4.Melody of Praise
Mountains, plains, flowers
5.Confession of My Heart
By the Lord's grace given to me
6.Let Us Go Forth
Do you have the Spirit's sword?
We have the Word and the fullness of our prayers
8.Remembering the Lord
Every day when I look toward Heaven
By the power He has given to us
Happiness, gladness, and thanks overflow
11.Secrets of Blessings
Here are the secrets if you want to be blessed
12.Heart of the Shepherd
How could anybody know his tears and his pain
13.Precious Gifts
In this world so full of sin and darkness of the soul
14.Sweet Water of Power
Water flows. It's tumbling down, water of great power
15.Confession 2
Passing through pearl gates of New Jerusalem
16.Everybody Praise
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise with joy
17.We Give Praise
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! High and noble is His name
18.Heavenly Banquet
God prepared a feast for us
19.Praise of Archangel
With the beauty of His love
20.Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord, come and praise Him
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