Sing Them over Again to Me
2019.03.22 | Deaconess Minkyung Lee
Near, My God, to Thee
Beautiful Seashore
2019.03.17 | Men's Chorus
The Story Told
The Blessing of Jacob
2019.03.15 | Deaconess Soohyun Chung
His Presence
True Sanctuary
2019.03.10 | Artistic Dance Team
Gospel of Holiness
2019.03.08 | Sweet Rain Chorus
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
2019.03.03 | Nissi Orchestra
Celebration of American Spirituals
O, Lord My God! When I in Awesome Wonder
You Were Born to Be Loved
2019.03.01 | Miracle Junior
Quiet Seashore
Feast of Glory
2019.02.22 | Chanmi Sim & Haneul Lee
Our Praises
2019.02.03 | Power Worship Dance Team
2019.01.27 | Peniel Chorus
Waiting 2
2019.01.25 | Pearl Chorus
I Can't Help but Praise His Holy Name
2019.01.06 | Deacon Hulryung Kim
Great Power 2
2019.01.01 | Power Worship Dance Team