True Repentance (1)
2018.11.04 | [2 Corinthians 7:9-10] | Pastor Heesun Goo
The Church in Philadelphia, the Exemplary Model (2)
2018.09.09 | [Revelation 3:11-13] | Pastor Heesun Goo
The Church in Philadelphia, the Exemplary Model (1)
2018.06.10 | [Revelation 3:8-10] | Pastor Heesun Goo
Reasons for Disobedience (2)
2018.04.22 | [Deuteronomy 28:2] | Pastor Heesun Goo
Put on the Armor of Light
2017.06.11 | [Romans 13:11-14] | Pastor Heesun Goo
Commit Your Works to the LORD
2017.03.19 | [Proverbs 16:3] | Pastor Heesun Goo
Life Set Apart from the World
2017.01.08 | [Genesis 19:17] | Pastor Heesun Goo
2016.09.11 | [Hebrews 12:14] | Pastor Heesun Goo
A Good Inmost Heart
2016.07.10 | [Psalm 51:6] | Pastor Heesun Goo
Even the Dogs Feed on the Crumbs Which Fall from Their Masters' Table
2016.04.03 | [Matthew 15:21-28] | Pastor Heesun Goo
Fervent Prayer
2015.12.06 | [Romans 8:27] | Pastor Heesun Goo
Fever for God
2015.09.06 | [Isaiah 6:8] | Pastor Heesun Goo
Levels of Goodness
2015.05.31 | [Romans 12:2] | Pastor Heesun Goo