Lecture on Job (63)
2023.10.15 | [Job 22:24-30] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Forgiveness and blessings come when we turn back (2)
New Jerusalem
2023.10.08 | [Revelation 21:10-11] | Dr. Soojin Lee | 41st Anniversary Service
Let's Cast Off Greed
2023.10.01 | [Proverbs 17:20] | Dr. Soojin Lee
O King, I Have Committed No Crime (2)
2023.09.24 | [Daniel 6:19-23] | Dr. Soojin Lee
Fruit of the Light
2023.09.17 | [Ephesians 5:8-9] | Dr. Soojin Lee
Lecture on Job (62)
2023.09.10 | [Job 22:18-23] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Forgiveness and blessings come when we turn back (1)
Lecture on Job (61)
2023.09.03 | [Job 22:15-18] | Dr. Soojin Lee | God of forgiveness
Lecture on Job (60)
2023.08.27 | [Job 22:6-14] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Fleshly Faith and Spiritual Faith
Lecture on Job (59)
2023.08.20 | [Job 22:1-5] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Don't take God's name in vain
Lecture on Job (58)
2023.08.13 | [Job 21:25-34] | Dr. Soojin Lee | The outcomes of the wicked and the good
Lecture on Job (57)
2023.08.06 | [Job 21:19-26] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Job's distorted thoughts
Lecture on Job (56)
2023.07.30 | [Job 21:7-18] | Dr. Soojin Lee | God who patient for long
Manmin Accomplishing World Evangelization
2023.07.23 | [Mark 16:20] | Pastor Jungyeon Jang
Lecture on Job (55)
2023.07.16 | [Job 21:1-6] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Let us enjoy true rest
Lecture on Job (54)
2023.07.09 | [Job 20:22-29] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Outcome of the wicked and godless (3)
Reasons for Thanksgiving
2023.07.02 | [Psalm 100:1-5] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Feast of Harvest (Holy Communion)
Lecture on Job (53)
2023.06.25 | [Job 20:12-21] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Outcome of the wicked and godless (2)
Lecture on Job (52)
2023.06.18 | [Job 20:4-11] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Outcome of the wicked and godless (1)
Lecture on Job (51)
2023.06.11 | [Job 19:23-20:3] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Let's Not Be Anxious and Disturbed
Lecture on Job (50)
2023.06.04 | [Job 19:17-22] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Men of Flesh & Men of Spirit