Manmin Is...
2018.07.22 | [Hebrews 11:1] | Dr. Soojin Lee
Things the LORD Hates (4)
2018.06.24 | [Proverbs 6:16-19] | Dr. Soojin Lee
Things the LORD Hates (3)
2018.06.10 | [Proverbs 6:16-19] | Dr. Soojin Lee
Things the LORD Hates (2)
2018.06.03 | [Proverbs 6:16-19] | Dr. Soojin Lee
Things the LORD Hates (1)
2018.05.27 | [Proverbs 6:16-19] | Dr. Soojin Lee
2018.05.13 | [Luke 22:28-30] | Dr. Soojin Lee
The Fruit of the Shepherd (2)
2018.04.29 | [Matthew 12:33-37] | Dr. Soojin Lee
The Fruit of the Shepherd (1)
2018.04.22 | [Matthew 12:33-37] | Dr. Soojin Lee
If the LORD Is Pleased with Us
2018.04.15 | [Numbers 14:8-9] | Dr. Soojin Lee
Resurrection of the Lord
2018.04.01 | [1 Corinthians 15:41-44] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Spiritual Realm (2)
2018.03.25 | [Hebrews 1:14] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | Angels 1
Spiritual Realm (1)
2018.02.18 | [Genesis 6:4] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
God the Healer (2)
2017.07.30 | [Exodus 15:26] | Dr. Soojin Lee
God the Healer (1)
2017.07.16 | [Exodus 15:26] | Dr. Soojin Lee
God the Father's Providence
2017.07.02 | [John 4:24] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
God Renews Us
2017.06.25 | [Acts 1:8] | Dr. Soojin Lee
Pentacost and Early Church
2017.06.04 | [Acts 2:42-47] | Dr. Soojin Lee
2017.05.14 | [3 John 1:2] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Those Whom the Lord Commends (2)
2017.05.07 | [1 Corinthians 10:18] | Dr. Soojin Lee
Resurrection (1)
2017.04.16 | [Acts 1:11] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee