Lecture on Job (69)
2023.12.03 | [Job 24:19-25] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Overcoming evil with goodness
The Message of the Cross (17)
2023.12.03 | [John 19:28-30, Luke 23:46] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | The Last Seven Words on the Cross (3)
Spiritual Love (13)
2023.12.01 | [1 Corinthians 13:4-5] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Lecture on Job (68)
2023.11.26 | [Job 24:1-18] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Job's heart becoming disturbed more and more
The Message of the Cross (16)
2023.11.26 | [John 19:26-27, Matthew 27:46] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | The Last Seven Words on the Cross (2)
Do Not Let the King Sin Against His Servant
2023.11.24 | [1 Samuel 19:1-6] | Dr. Soojin Lee
To Enter Into the Joy of Master
2023.11.19 | [Matthew 25:19-21, 26:26-28] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Thanksgiving Sunday Holy Communion
The Prepared Vessel
2023.11.19 | [Luke 10:2] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | Thanksgiving Sunday
Spiritual Love (12)
2023.11.17 | [1 Corinthians 13:4] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Lecture on Job (67)
2023.11.12 | [Job 23:11-17] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Job who are afraid of God
The Message of the Cross (15)
2023.11.12 | [Luke 23:33-34, 42-43] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | The Last Seven Words on the Cross (1)
Spiritual Love (11)
2023.11.10 | [1 Corinthians 13:4] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Lecture on Job (66)
2023.11.05 | [Job 23:6-10] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Trials and change
The Message of the Cross (14)
2023.11.05 | [Matthew 27:44, Luke 23:39-41, John 19:34] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | Jesus¡¯ Crucifixion (2)
Spiritual Love (10)
2023.11.03 | [1 Corinthians 13:4] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Lecture on Job (65)
2023.10.29 | [Job 23:4-7] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Fleshly thoughts are hostile to God
The Message of the Cross (13)
2023.10.29 | [John 19:23-24, Isaiah 53:5-6] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | Jesus¡¯ Crucifixion (1)
Spiritual Love (9)
2023.10.27 | [1 Corinthians 13:4] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Lecture on Job (64)
2023.10.22 | [Job 23:1-3] | Dr. Soojin Lee | How can we meet God?
The Message of the Cross (12)
2023.10.22 | [Mark 15:16-20] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | Jesus¡¯ Wearing the Crown of Thorns