Lecture on Revelation (48)
2022.08.26 | [Revelation 12:5-9] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | The past, present, and future of Israel
Dying in Jerusalem
2022.08.21 | [Luke 13:31-33] | Dr. Soojin Lee
The Voice and Guidance of the Holy Spirit (2)
2022.08.21 | [Romans 8:12-16] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Lecture on Revelation (47)
2022.08.19 | [Revelation 12:1-4] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | It is the story recounting the history of Israel from her past
Lecture on Job (21)
2022.08.14 | [Job 9:19-26] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Job's Ignorance (2)
The Voice and Guidance of the Holy Spirit (1)
2022.08.14 | [Romans 8:12-16] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Lecture on Revelation (46)
2022.08.12 | [Revelation 11:14-19] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | The 7-Year Great Tribulation, the third woe
The Branch of My Planting
2022.08.07 | [Isaiah 60:21-22] | Dr. Myoungho Cheong
The Whole Tithe and Offerings (4)
2022.08.07 | [Malachi 3:7-10] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Lecture on Revelation (45)
2022.08.05 | [Revelation 11:1-13] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | Two witnesses
Stand Up, Walk and Jump!
2022.07.31 | [Mark 2:3-12] | Dr. Soojin Lee
Lecture on Revelation (44)
2022.07.29 | [Revelation 10:1-11] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | The calamity to come during the latter half of the Tribulation
Your Beginning Was Insignificant, but Your End Will Increase Greatly
2022.07.27 | [Hebrews 11:1-3, Job 8:7] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Anniversary of Church-planting
The History of Manmin
2022.07.24 | [Numbers 23:19] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | Anniversary of Church-planting
Lecture on Revelation (43)
2022.07.22 | [Revelation 8:13-9:21] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | The seven angels, locusts, Apollyon
Lecture on Job (20)
2022.07.17 | [Job 9:13-21] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Job's Ignorance (1)
The Whole Tithe and Offerings (3)
2022.07.17 | [Malachi 3:7-10] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Lecture on Revelation (42)
2022.07.15 | [Revelation 8:1-12] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | The seventh seal, the seven angels who had the seven trumpets
The Whole Tithe and Offerings (2)
2022.07.10 | [Malachi 3:7-10] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Lecture on Revelation (41)
2022.07.08 | [Revelation 7:11-17] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | 144,000 evangelizers