Preach the Gospel to All Creation
2022.10.14 | [Mark 16:15] | Pastor Jungyeon Jang
Arise, Shine - The Battle Is the LORD's
2022.10.09 | [Isaiah 60:1, 1 Samuel 17:47] | Dr. Soojin Lee | 40th Anniversary Service
The Church Loved by God - Heaven
2022.10.09 | [Isaiah 60:1-3] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Lecture on Revelation (52)
2022.10.07 | [Revelation 13:11-18] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | A beast
Lecture on Job (26)
2022.10.02 | [Job 11:12-20] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Troubles Result from Sins
The Voice and Guidance of the Holy Spirit (8)
2022.10.02 | [Romans 8:12-16] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Do Not Waver
2022.09.30 | [Judges 9:7-15] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Divine Healing Meeting
Lecture on Job (25)
2022.09.25 | [Job 11:1-11] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Importance of Words, False Men
The Voice and Guidance of the Holy Spirit (7)
2022.09.25 | [Romans 8:12-16] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Lecture on Revelation (51)
2022.09.23 | [Revelation 13:5-10] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | A beast that rules the whole world during the 7-Year Great Tribulation appears
Lecture on Job (24)
2022.09.18 | [Job 10:13-22] | Dr. Soojin Lee
The Voice and Guidance of the Holy Spirit (6)
2022.09.18 | [Romans 8:12-16] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Lecture on Revelation (50)
2022.09.16 | [Revelation 13:1-4] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | It provides details on how the antichrist holds on to and wields its power
Pursue Goodness
2022.09.11 | [1 Thessalonians 5:15] | Dr. Soojin Lee
The Voice and Guidance of the Holy Spirit (5)
2022.09.11 | [Romans 8:12-16] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | Fleshly Thought
Lecture on Job (23)
2022.09.04 | [Job 10:3-12] | Dr. Soojin Lee
The Voice and Guidance of the Holy Spirit (4)
2022.09.04 | [Romans 8:12-16] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee
Lecture on Revelation (49)
2022.09.02 | [Revelation 12:10-17] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee | The spiritual realm
Lecture on Job (22)
2022.08.28 | [Job 9:27-10:6] | Dr. Soojin Lee | Job's Ignorance (3)
The Voice and Guidance of the Holy Spirit (3)
2022.08.28 | [Romans 8:12-16] | Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee