God is with Us
Job 23: 10
"But He knows the way I take; When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold."
Let us give all thanks and glory to God the Father for being with us this year, for protecting and blessings us.
Each year, towards the end of the year, we believers sing the following hymn:
"God's great grace, it is has brought us all this way in faithfulness."
As we look back on this year 2010, I believe each stanza of this hymn will touch the depths of your hearts.
There were so many earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, typhoons/hurricanes, heavy snowfalls, wars, and outbreaks of pandemic diseases.
But you could just run towards the goal of the heavenly kingdom in peace without having any trouble.
In the eyes of the worldly people, your daily routine must look the same all the time.
You gather every week in the church for praise and worship, for Wednesday service, and individual area prayer meetings.
Every Friday, you attend all-night service, and you spend the whole day in the church on Sundays.
People from outside may wonder if there is any fun in our lives.
But we are not living the same kind of life everyday.
The messages we hear every week and the prayers that we pray every night have increasingly deeper meaning and new grace.
Furthermore, God gives us special moments of grace from time to time.
Beginning with the New Year's service, we have many festivities, devotional services, retreats, and special Daniel prayer meetings.
Through these moments of blessings, God makes our souls fruitful with grace like sweet rain, and fullness like fire.
He answers the desires of our hearts, and He gives us unexpected blessings.
Those of you who have lived in this kind of grace this year would confess, "God surely gave us only good things."
Not just for you personally, but for the whole church God gave us only good things.
Of course, sometimes we might face hardships and trials, and sometimes it seemed the works of God were being delayed.
But as time passes, we can understand that even the trials were a process to make everything work for the better.
In addition, the work of fulfilling the providence of God has never ceased.
God has been doing His works to fulfill His providence even while we were not aware of it.
Now, I would like to go over the 2010 church prayer titles once again briefly.
Let us remember through this message once again how the providence of God for this church was fulfilled in this year, in the "Third Stage of Take-off."
I urge you to participate in fulfilling the providence of God with more passion and greater faith in the New Year.
I pray in the name of the Lord that by doing so you will experience God's power and glory more greatly in your lives.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
The first prayer title for 2010 was 'Flow of Spirit'.
This flow of spirit is the flow that God Himself is making through our church to fulfill His providence as He planned before the ages.
The point in time for this providence to be fulfilled is not fixed. That is to say that it is not a date that can be set as to say which day, month, or which year since there is a flexibility in time.
It is the point of time when the flow of world situations, the flow of political situations of Korea, and the flow of our church all coincide with one another.
About the world situation, as prophesied from several years ago, you know that the three-way power game is being unfolded more clearly.
When all these currents are flowing, what is most important is the flow of spirit on which our church members have been riding.
2010 was a big turning point where you could cut off all the fleshly things and begin to concentrate on spiritual things in this world full of sins.
You had a chance with which you could really have the hope of New Jerusalem in heart, and not just as a motto.
Above all, many people received the chance of repentance of the sins leading to death.
Moreover, even though there may not have been sins leading to death, you cast away your iniquities that you had ignored for a long time and even the roots of sins deep inside your hearts.
Now, with renewed hearts you have come to ride on the flow of spirit and to run quickly towards New Jerusalem.
The second prayer title was 'Measure of Faith'.
Your lengths of time in Christian faith, knowledge, or position or title in the church do not decide your measure of faith.
Your measure faith is decided according to the extent to which you circumcise your heart.
Many of our church members could not see their real selves, and though they have listened to the truth a lot, they have not cultivated it in themselves.
Many of you thought, "I haven't gone into spirit yet, but I think I am in the third level of faith." But the fact is many of you were still in the second level of faith.
This year, you had a chance to diagnose your measure of faith correctly through the Word.
The second prayer title was about the need to realize our fleshly attributes that had been hidden and to realize the ways to change them so that we can quickly go into spirit.
The third prayer title is "God-pleasing Sanctuary."
A sanctuary with which God is pleased is not just an outwardly fancy sanctuary, but one that is built by the hands of God's holy children.
It is said we quickly had to have the qualifications to build such a sanctuary.
Many of you were going the way of death while knowing the truth. God has given you the time to turn back from sins.
God also gave us the time to overhaul and restructure church organization to prepare for the Canaan era.
As we are proceeding to finish the improvements in church organization and each person is readjusting their personal spiritual status, we have to proceed in constructing the Canaan Sanctuary.
But, even though all the preparations are done, we still need to have more of an eager longing and fervent, continual prayer to actually build it.
I will talk about the construction of the sanctuary again in the New Year's prayer titles.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
The fourth prayer title for 2010 was the "Unceasing Power of God."
The first prayer title was 'Flow of Spirit' and the energy source to create this flow of spirit is the unending power of God.
We could partially feel what kind of flow of flesh this world has through the 2010 Estonia crusade this year.
As the power of the anti-Christ is getting stronger, we felt that we needed even greater power of God for our church to lead the flow of spirit.
The 'Unending Power of God' given as this year's prayer title is the power that affects all peoples regardless of nation, race, educational level, social position, or wealth.
The depth of this unending power is the power to change the fundamental heart of the believers.
Namely, they could feel how the shepherd has fulfilled the justice of God until this power was manifested, and they could feel the love contained in it.
Through this power, they could change into the children who truly love God.
In reality, we could see that even those souls who had neither faith nor longing received the works of God's power in the Estonia crusade.
In addition, you witnessed a part of my spiritual training.
When you saw my finger fractured, the vocal cord damage, and losing all the energy in my body, then you could feel what my spiritual training is like to some extent.
Many of you said you could more deeply realize the love of the Father and the heart of the shepherd.
The fruit of unending power of God has been borne in you.
This unending power of God will enlarge its boundaries and reach the kings of the nations. This is one of the New Year's prayer titles, related to the church construction.
Dear brothers and sisters,
Job 23:10 says, "But He knows the way I take; when He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold."
No matter what happened in our church, nothing was meaningless and not a single moment has just passed by meaninglessly.
We have had a history of God always having been with us and leading us in each step of the way.
In the various difficult times, we sometimes did not understand the providence of God, but when we did understand it, we couldn't help but be surprised.
We gave thanks realizing things like, "God allowed this incident for us to let us bear this kind of fruit. He trained us that way."
When God gave us the New Year's prayer titles, He guided us exactly according to those titles as if they were given as prophecies.
In this year as well, He guided us to ride on the flow of spirit, and He let us check our faith so that we could be prepared to build the sanctuary.
For me personally, through the spiritual training, God has increased the width and depth of the power.
Only God knows what kinds of things we will face in the future.
But one thing is sure; through all these steps, we will fulfill the duties of the construction of the Grand Sanctuary and of world evangelism.
Moreover, those who participate in this ministry with faith will certainly come forth as refined, pure gold.
I hope you will keep this promise of God in your heart and take hold of a better heavenly dwelling place by force until the Lord comes back again.
You must never stop your march or go back to the world.
I pray in the name of the Lord that, until the moment you hear the final trumpet sound, you will run your race of faith towards the finish line of New Jerusalem.