[39] Faithfulness
[Verse 1]
Get up, there are souls to save.
Fill your hearts with His love.
Many souls are waiting.
Get up, and share the Savior's love.
We have faith, and hope and love.
Our duties just can't wait.
All glory is God the Father's.
Praise Him with all your hearts.
With faith, hope and love
that only our Savior gives,
let's run the race
and receive His crown, the crown of life,
His glorious gift
given for true faith and love.
Our joy and thanks will overflow.
Our joy and thanks will overflow.
As we fulfill our duties,
our joy and thanks will overflow.
[Verse 2]
Get up! The story must be told
by hearts that know the Lord.
Many souls are still waiting
to hear about our Savior's love.
Take up the holy Word of God,
be a model showing the way.
With the heart of our dear Lord,
proclaim the love of our Lord.