Vision [7]
We have the Word and the fullness of our prayers
Waiting [33]
There's hope I have here in my heart, the hope of seeing my Lord
Waiting 2 [192]
He sacrificed His all on my behalf
Walk of Faith 2 [94]
Father, You alone know the walk of faith that I have trod
Walk of Faith 3 [95]
The Father's given to this church that He loves the blasting power of the shepherd
Warm Love [228]
Way of Martyrdom [182]
I would not even spare my life
We [65]
We've been running the true race of faith
We Give Praise [17]
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! High and noble is His name
We Give Praise 2 [115]
So many proofs and many blessings
We Give Praise 3 [119]
We offer our praise, we offer our praise
We Give Praise 4 [197]
We offer our praise with the joy coming from our hearts
We Love You Lord [50]
Yes, we love You Lord! Yes, we love You Lord!
We Offer Our Worship [68]
Father, our almighty God, we offer You our worship
Whole Spirit [129]
Let's cultivate beautiful hearts
With All My Heart [69]
With my heart I offer my joy, the joy You've given to me
With Thanks [47]
Everybody, clap your hands with joy
Works of God [37]
God works with His power. God works with His power
Works of Re-creation [158]
Ministry of power, filled with works of power
Works of the Holy Spirit [24]
By the Holy Spirit's works
Works of the Holy Spirit 2 [117]
The great works of the Spirit
Worship the Father [162]
We lift up His name the Father's great name
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