Do You Know? [118]
My Father, do You really know the longing that's in my heart?
Dragonflies [3]
Twinkle, twinkle, sparkle, sparkle
Duty [38]
So important it is for us
Earnest Hope [75]
I have earnest hope deep in my heart
Embracing Love [85]
Just look up at the sky
Endless Power [202]
Power that has no end
Everybody Praise [16]
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise with joy
Faithfulness [39]
Get up, there are souls to save
Feast of Glory [220]
It's the light that fills up this beautiful place
Festivity [187]
We celebrate offering our thanks
Festivity of Flowers 2 [186]
We offer joy with our hearts
Flow of Spirit 3 [59]
The Father guides His church with love
Fluttering Heart [79]
It's exciting; my heart's pounding
Fruit [152]
Because there's someone who understands the great heart of the Father
Fruit 2 [176]
We are beautiful shiny fruit like precious gemstones
Fruit 3 [188]
The beloved ones have gathered in this place
Fruit of Heaven [126]
We have come forth as the true fruit of Heaven
Fruit of the Shepherd [231]
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